Since its inception in 2014, the culture hackathon Coding da Vinci has brought together the cultural sector with creative technology communities to explore the creative potential of digital cultural heritage. Over a several-week sprint phase hackathon teams, together with representatives of cultural institutions, develop working prototypes --for example apps, websites, data visualisations, games or interactive installations-- that show surprising and inspiring new ways to communicate and make use of institutions' collections and artifacts in the digital age.

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Coding da Vinci - Berlin 2017

Das Coding da Vinci-Playbook

Step by step to your own culture hackathon

Cover des Coding da Vinci-Playbooks

Coding da Vinci has become a movement for open cultural data: Become a part of it now!

With the Coding da Vinci Playbook, you can run your own culture hackathons. It works like a cookbook: try out the whole menu, individual courses, or just certain ingredients - according to your taste. Benefit from many years of experience from a total of 14 Coding da Vinci editions, which guides you step by step through the organization of the entire process - from the provision of data to the creative "magic moment" of the kick-off to the presentation of the results.

Download now for free!

The potential of open cultural data

... is shown by the creative digital projects made by, to date, over 2000 hackathon participants, on the basis of hundreds of datasets contributed by almost 200 cultural institutions.

362 Institutions
488 Data sets
217 Projects


All apps, websites, data visualizations, games, interactive installations and even hardware developed at Coding da Vinci on the basis of open cultural data are available here permanently and under open licenses.

Most user-centered


Mit dieser Web-App lernt man nicht nur die Arbeit des Künstlers Jo Enzweiler kennen, man wird auch selbst zum/zur Künstler*in.
web app


In der Rolle einer historischen Persönlichkeit entdeckt man in der virtuellen Stammtisch-App alltägliche und skurrile Gerichte vergangener Zeiten
Most technical, Everybody's darling


App, die auf anschauliche und spielerische Art den Zugang zur Vogelkunde ermöglicht und eine Bestimmung der Arten erleichtert
web app

Mylius Spuren

Mylius‘ historische Stadtansichten Frankfurts werden mit Geschichten und heutigen Ansichten der Stadt verbunden
Most user-centered


Cette application n'illustre pas seulement lòeuvre de l'artiste Jo Enzweiler, mais elle transforme les utilisateur.rice.s en artistes.
web app


The digital treasures that more than 350 cultural institutions have made available to Coding da Vinci over the years remain open for reuse - all under free licenses, of course.